Personal Training Policy
Click here for a detailed description of the two personal training packages.
This is an overview of our business policies related to personal training slots:
*No refunds are issued at any time for any reason.
*TWO no call no show incidents will result in forfeiture of your training time.
*While sickness does occur from time to time, we are unable to fill slots with little notice. The day is just consumed and will resume training as soon as you are well. Days missed are NOT credited forward for client illness or absence.
*If you are a pay by session client (does not apply to unlimited clients), a day missed may be made up only if there is availability on our schedule within the same business month.
Monthly Unlimited
OPTION 1. UNLIMITED MONTHLY-Secured Timeslot: this option is for clients looking to make a larger term commitment to their training regimen. Training will be five days per week (weekdays excluding holidays) at a mutually compatible time. This is our most cost effective option for clients. It is a flat rate of $700.00. Days absent from training are not extended into the next month--this is a use or lose option. This option means it is YOUR GUARANTEED timeslot (day and time) which means it will not be filled with any other client whether you are present for training that day or not. Renewals are required by the 23rd of each month to allow for posted vacancies to be filled.
Pay by Session
OPTION 2. Quote by Scheduled Usage (Session rates apply): this option allows clients to communicate the number of days per week or month they would like to train. A scheduled calendar is reviewed and approved by trainer and client. With this option, a flexible schedule may be available for different dates and times based on both client needs and trainer availability. Once the schedule is approved, the invoice/quote is provided to the client for payment. Session rates are $40.00 per occurrence. [Ex. January-client would like to train on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. This sequence occurs 14 times * $40.00. Quote total would be $560.00]. This allows for the client to review their budget and schedule training on their calendar based on what they can afford or based on their schedule availability. In addition, this option will allow for up to two rescheduled sessions to be completed within the same week as the missed session (exceptions for illness/emergency may be granted by us dependent upon circumstances). WE NO LONGER OFFER SESSION PACKAGES. ALL SESSIONS ARE $40.00 EACH DAY OF COMMITMENT-BILLED MONTHLY ONLY.