I am super excited to create this blog and share a new journey with you. For starters--those of you who are new to our page, I am Angie Simons. I am a Certified Sports Nutritionist, Personal Trainer, and Fitness Instructor. I have been with my husband for 13 years and we have two grown children (Alexis & Brennan) and two still home with us (Taylor & Bentley) along with our four fur babies (Max, Casper, Titan, and Diesel).
We started our life journey as a family in Kansas and work brought us to Texas 8 years ago. We felt like we were starting over in life when we hit the south--everything was new. We didn't have any family close, no friends yet, and knew nothing about the culture of this new little town. Being from a bigger city, we weren't accustomed to businesses being closed on Sundays, shutting down for snow flurries, or having extra days off for Ag-life. One thing we did know--we had each other!
One other area that we struggled with from the Texas get-go was where to live. When we were looking for places, we didn't want to buy yet--we didn't know "good" areas from "not so good", which schools we wanted the kids in (there were choices based on where we lived in the town). After several years of renting and going through a lease-to-own nightmare of a house, we decided to finally buy a house in 2020.
Well--a monkey wrench was thrown in as I had decided to leave the Corporate world the same year and go full time in the fitness industry with my husband. We didn't realize at the time that the decision would end up being a major speed bump in our road to buy a home--in fact, it was more like a long term road closure. You see, from the lending side of a home purchase--if you are self-employed, you must show two full years of income and cannot use any prior payroll income from W-2s. UGH....so here we go on a two year journey of crushed hopes of a home.
Now....I can say this brought us to our current home where we have the absolute best neighbors ever and have a ton of kids that have become friends with our own children...and it put us closer to work and more available to support our business.
That brought us to this year, where we started the home search process with an amazing realtor--Lindsey Lee and an awesome lending officer--Lacy Shirley @ Supreme Lending right here in Sulphur Springs.
Lindsey Lee worked tirelessly scheduling homes for us to look at only to find that none of them were really meeting the mark of what we were looking for in a home. Lindsey had mentioned the possibility of building a home which we really hadn't considered but definitely wanted to learn more about it! This is where Lacy comes in...
Lacy had already worked on our home purchase pre-approval diligently making sure we had all ducks in a row and now--we reached out about the possibility to build. She walked us through every step of the process (it was lengthy because we are financing with a VA Home Mortgage loan). There are a lot of restrictions and hoops to a VA loan but I'll save that for another day. Skipping over the details, she made it happen. We are building a house!!!
Looking over the years, we know that all of this is possible because of YOU!!!
You supported our business!
You supported our family!
You supported our dreams!
I personally cannot thank you enough for all of the support and I am so excited to blog this journey of building our first home together and I promise that the one day I will look back and say "I still remember the days that I prayed for all I have now."